This is one of a collection of four polishes that came out for the summer of 2010. This is called The World's Coolest.
Now, I would have blogged about this long ago but I didn't know about them. It's an interesting story how I got this one. But first I'll tell you about this polish. First of all, it's made in Luxembourg, which is a little country in Western Europe. A cool little anecdote.
It's a lovely light blue/green cream polish that is similar to Orly's Gumdrop.
I had to use three coats to get it opaque even though it goes on kind of thick. Go figure.

So I came across this polish at a party...a nail polish exchange party! I have a friend who is also crazy about nail polish, even more than me, and she had this brilliant idea to have this exchange party and this is how it works. Everyone is to bring any and all nail polishes they own that they no longer want, old or new, any colors. Once at the party you dump them in a big basket with everyone else's. If you brought eight polishes, you would then be allowed to pick any eight out of the basket that you liked to take home. So this polish is one I picked from the basket, along with many others that I must blog about soon. But, I warn you, they may be old like this one! Ha ha! Thanks for stopping by and I hope that maybe this nail polish party will be right up your alley and you, too will have a super fun time having one because I sure had a blast being the guest of one! Oh yes, everyone also painted their nails at this party. The icing on the cake you might say! Have an awesome day! Taniya