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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Bone Daddy by Crow's Toes

I have a wonderful friend who finds all things cool in the nail polish realm. (She lets me borrow them and then I just have to blog about them so you guys can see too.) This is just one of the cool ones. Doubt me? Well doubt no further because there's a crow on the label!
Yes, I know, super cool. And the polish inside? Even cooler! It's called Bone Daddy by CrowsToes. It has a sheer grey base with white hexagons in three sizes, and white bar glitter in two sizes. Also, there's a blue glittery shimmer when the light hits it. See the blue in my first nail? Check it out.
Worn over O.P.I. in My Pointe Exactly.
Sure, I know most people may not find crows appealing. They may even think they're a bit creepy. But I think they are pretty darn cool! Just like this polish!
Thanks for stopping by and have a colorful day. Taniya P.S. Don't forget to join my blog so you can follow me and you'll get an email anytime I post something new!


  1. Love it on your super long nail beds! Looks great!

  2. omg i love your blog !
    wanna follow eachother ? if yes, just leave a comment on my blog and follow me - ill follow back as soon as i can :) <3
    me too i have a nail blog but i write in german - hope u dont mind... haha :D
